Telling it like it is as I see the world around me.

Monday, September 29, 2008

First Meal After Flave

First meal after the flave. I didn't even know what to do. I looked at the stove and had forgotten how it worked. I found some "flave" chicken leftovers and decided to make a soup. Only time will tell, have not had any yet. I'm thinking it's going to be good! Did some work on the garage this weekend. I'm looking pretty "lean." I hung anything I could on the ceiling and put up few shelves.

Also, dug up the Dailia bulbs. I'm hope my growing bulb collection comes through next year. I would really like to focus on Dailia in the front yard.
(I'm sure that's not how you spell Dailia, but Rachael will fix it.)

1 comment:

Rachael Quinn said...

Dahlia. :-D

Anywho, the soup looks.... great......................... nice pictures by the way. Your blog is ten x's better than mine because I don't have a camera. I'm too broke.

