OK.. This just happened to me. Went to the liquor store outside of the hotel - $18.00 for a twelve pack - so I go in and get my beer and then set it on the counter. The lights are off and no one is around. I say, hello and nothing. I hear some keys jingling. I try to open the door and THE DOOR IS LOCKED. I'm actually LOCKED IN A LIQUOR STORE. I'm banging on the door yelling at the person to open the door. Lucky for me, she heard me, unlocked the door and then robbed my of $18.00. If I would have looked for beer about 20 more seconds I would have been there for the night. Image this - Me locked in a liquor store..
Oh my gosh, that is hilarious. I hope you at least got your beer! :-D
lol I can't believe that. To funny!
"Don't go there during closing time," mom says.
That's crazy! Did you try to get the beer for free to "avoid a lawsuit over emotional damages"?
are you serious? you could have drank for free the whole nite!
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